Sonya Jaquez Lewis on 2019 Local Elections
November, 2019 KGNU
KGNU’s OutSources
6:30 pm Mountain Standard Time
Monday, November 11th, 2019
Host: Yvonne Krumrey
The above clip is a three-minute segment of a longer interview with Colorado State Representative Sonya Jaquez Lewis, the day of Colorado local elections this year. I chose this clip, as it captures a discussion we had had about the lack of access LGBTQ+ individuals in rural Colorado have. Colorado prides itself on the protections and services put in place for LGBTQ+ Coloradans in the last few years, yet these mainly serve folks in Denver. Sonya encourages those in the Colorado General Assembly to consider increased infrastructure in rural spaces, as well as urban spaces to make the reality of Colorado reflect the legislative progress that has been made.
A full recording of this show can be found here.